


Shandong cable tray or passive electrical (light) cable, therefore, the arrangement of the wiring way and routing design, should be the difference, not only should meet the requirements of the specification, also consider the safety of the wiring, scalability, economy and beautiful, easy to repair, as a carrier for carrying all kinds of cable laying cable tray from belong to the needs of the wiring, should also follow the principle of the implement. Because building a variety of pipeline parallel cross, the space is limited.


Shandong cable tray

认为特别是大型写字楼、金融商厦、酒店、场馆等建筑,信息点密集,缆线敷设除了采用楼板沟槽和墙内埋管方式外,在竖井和屋内天棚吊顶内广泛采用电缆桥架,提供不同走向的布线,弱电系统的各种缆线分类布放在桥架内,其最佳路由选择和安装方式要根据走向的要求,并结合建筑结构和空调、电气等管线协商的位置加以确定,无源缆线不能与有源电缆并排铺设, 受条件所限铺放同一桥架内,其间必须采用金属隔板分设,引出的缆线尽量避免平面交叉,桥架穿越楼板,墙体或伸缩缝时,应该在建筑图上标出予留相应的空洞和位置,避免因遗漏等到施工时临时钻空,可能伤及土建结构。为了防止电磁辐射的干扰(EMC),在桥架的设计中,应考虑桥架的封闭性。

Think particularly big office, finance, shopping malls, hotels, stadiums and other buildings, information point, cable laying besides using floor groove and the way of buried pipe inside the wall, in the shaft and the room ceiling ceiling widely used cable tray, provide different direction of the wiring, weak current system classification of all kinds of wire cloth within the bridge, the best routing and installation according to the requirement of direction, combined with the structure and the location of the air conditioning, electrical and other pipeline consultation to determine, with active passive cable cannot cable laying side by side, is limited by conditions laid within the same bridge, it must adopt metal clapboard separate, avoid plane intersection of cables, bridge across the floor, wall or expansion joint, should be marked on the architectural figure to leave the corresponding empty and location, to avoid missing by the time the construction temporary drill empty, may hurt the civil structure. In order to prevent the interference of electromagnetic radiation (EMC), in the design of bridge, consideration should be given the seal of the bridge.

电缆桥架分为槽式、托盘式和梯架式等结构,由支架、托臂和安装附件等组成。选型时应注意桥架的所有零部件是否符合系列化、通用化、标准化的成套要求。建筑物内桥架可以独立假设, 也可以附设在各种建(构)筑物和管廊支架上,应体现结构简单,造型美观、配置灵活和维修方便等特点,全部零件均需进行镀锌处理,安装在建筑物外露天的桥架,如果是在邻近海边或属于腐蚀区,则材质必须具有防腐、耐潮气、附着力好, 耐冲击强度高的物性特点。

Cable tray can be divided into groove type, tray type and ladder frame structure, composed of bracket, bracket and installation accessories etc. Selection of bridge all the parts should be paid attention to when meets the seriation, generalization and standardization of complete set of requirements. Building bridge can be independent assumption, and can be attached at the various, and support, the pipe rack should reflect a simple structure, beautiful shape, configuration, flexible and convenient maintenance etc, all parts are to be galvanized processing, installation outside the building open bridge, if it is in near the sea or belong to the corrosion area, it must have the anti-corrosion material, moisture resistance, good adhesion, impact resistance properties of high strength characteristics.

电缆桥架为了减轻重量还可以采用铝合金电缆和玻璃钢桥架,其外形尺寸, 荷载特性均与钢质桥架基本相近,由于铝、钢比重不同(Al = 2.7,Fe = 7.86, 按重量计算,铝钢之比约为1:3,根据两种材质的市场价折算,铝合金桥架的造价费用较之同类镀锌钢桥价要高出2.0倍,铝合金桥架具有美观,重量轻、安装方便等优点, 近年来, 铝合金桥架已在有的工程中加以应用。

Cable tray in order to reduce weight can also adopt aluminum alloy and glass fiber reinforced plastic cable bridge, its appearance size, load characteristics are similar to steel bridge basic, due to different proportion of aluminum, steel, Al = 2.7, Fe = 2.7, by weight, the ratio of aluminum and steel approximately 1:3, according to the market price discount of two materials, aluminum alloy bridge cost charge is 2.0 times the price than the same kind of galvanized steel bridge, the aluminum alloy bridge is beautiful, the advantages of light weight, easy installation, in recent years, the applications of aluminum alloy bridge has been used in some engineering.


1, the bridge system should have reliable electrical connection and grounding (only for metal bridge).


2, when allowed to use bridge system grounding main circuit, shall meet the following requirements. Connection between the bridge end resistance should be no greater than 0.00033 ohms, grounding insulation coating shall be removed. In the neutral point grounding system directly 1 kv and below, from electrical equipment grounding connected to the neutral grounding system. Move to cut off the power supply is installed with a place porch, prefect direction of bridge metallic cross-sectional area shall be not less than the specified value.


3, along the bridge span laying grounding line, other (including the straight segment) for each cable tray should be at least a little bit and reliable grounding line connection.



4, for vibration place, shandong cable tray in the joint of ground parts should be spring coil.